January in review

Hello, February! Anniversary month of Caro’s Reads, which came to life on the 21st, birthday month for me and also for my mum, time for the report cards and the always draining PTMs. But most importantly, right now: time to get back on January and the surprise I had when I saw how many books I’ve read in the first 31 days of 2021.

I know that there have been two weeks in which I wasn’t in school, but only one of those weeks involved no prep nor online classes, so there is definitely more to the 17 books I’ve read in January (yes, seventeen!) than only that.

Basically, I think that I needed to comfort of the written words, and the escape to other worlds provided. After all, out of those 17 books, three were rereads, and I will not even get into the excuse that I reread the whole series in order to be ready for the next one, because I, simply, wanted to reread that series. That the next book came out at the end of January was only a huge bonus.

My favourite January reads

This said, I decided to come back on the books I’ve liked the most among my January reads, because it’s worth talking about them again (“again” because I have reviewed them all, at least on Goodreads and Amazon, when not also here).

The Enemies of my Country (Jason Kasper)

This is not my first non reread of the month, but it really goes right up there among the best books I have read, not only in January, but in the last several months (and the Maker knows I’ve read a great deal of amazing books). There’s something about Jason Kasper’s writing, and about David Rivers in particular (although I love The Spider Heist crew to bits, too), which has a way to keep me glued to the pages until I have to stop (silly real life!), or until I finish the book altogether.

Read my complete review of the book

My Midlife Crisis, My Rules (Robyn Peterman)

I laughed, then laughed some more, then cried a little, then laughed again, then cried again, and in the end, I was struck dumb by the ending, which makes me want the next book NOWNOWNOW! Sadly, I have to wait until May to know what happens to Daisy, Gideon, and the whole crew, living or ghostly. Still, it remains among the best of Robyn’s writing (and I know that I say that with each of her new books, but hey, she is one of my favourites for a reason!).

Read my complete review of the book

Strategic Vulnerability (Mandy M. Roth)

Who would’ve thought that I would fall head over heels in love with a rat??? I’m seriously dead scared of rodents. However, that was before I met Wilson. OK, I’m still dead scared of rodents… except for Wilson, and for Burgess the squirrel (from her Grimm Cove series). Thanks to Mandy M. Roth! Plus, that book really is all sorts of great, as is all of the series that I have read so far, and on which I am so behind that I am hanging my head in shame for not having enough time to devote to finishing the whole Immortal Ops world books!

My Goodreads review

The Darkest Angel (Gena Showalter)

I have a confession to make: this was my first ever Gena Showalter read. And I will tell you something: it will definitely not be my last! That novella was all sorts of fabulous, with absolutely fantastic characters and a great story line, which will keep you glued to the pages until you finish it. Although it is a shame that it is a novella, because I would’ve taken much more of Bianka and Lysander. Another nice rarity: this time, it is the hero who is a virgin which, in a way, makes things quite hotter. You’ll understand when you read it.

My Goodreads review

On to February!

What will I be reading in February? Right now, I am rereading the whole of K.F. Breene’s Leveling Up series, admittedly in preparation for the release of Magical Midlife Love on the 23rd, but that is, again, only an excuse. I needed my Ivy House (and, yes, my Austin Steele) fix!

What better way to celebrate my birthday than with a new release from one of my favourite authors? This is exactly what awaits me, as the last of Darynda Jones’s Betwixt and Between series, Beguiled, comes out on the 15th. I really can’t wait to see what happens to Defiance, and what will happen between her and Roane, and with Percy, and with the mystery Darynda left us with in the last book.

Then again, those are only two books, plus the two of Queen Breene on my reread queue. The rest? Well, I’ll wing it. I still have the last of K.F. Breene’s DDVN series to finish, but since I went audio for all the books so far, I will finish it accordingly, despite my having them all in ebook as well. Plus, there might be an ARC coming my way in the course of the month, so that would be another one.

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