Happy anniversary, Caro’s Reads!

Today marks an important day in the life of this still baby book blog of mine: Caro's Reads is a whole year old! Whew! I can't believe that it's already been a year of reviews, of bookish opinions, of telling people of books that I've loved and recommend, of writing about books, mostly by indy... Continue Reading →

Every week is romance week

It is Valentine's Day and all week, there have been posts in many a blog and on many a Twitter account (be it Goodreads, Kindle, publishers, etc.) stating that it was "Romance week" because of today, something I completely disagree with. Now, before you call me a "Valentine's Grinch", let me remind you that I... Continue Reading →

January in review

Hello, February! Anniversary month of Caro's Reads, which came to life on the 21st, birthday month for me and also for my mum, time for the report cards and the always draining PTMs. But most importantly, right now: time to get back on January and the surprise I had when I saw how many books... Continue Reading →

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